Do you believe that health and beauty is available for you?

Do you believe that health and beauty is available for you?

Many women have a belief that health and beauty is not available to them except as a distant dream. They avoid the supermarket isles filled with green living food. They don’t go into the clothing shops they desire to go in. They never go to the beach and swimming pool. They have the belief that says ‘Health and beauty is not available to me and it is so painful and unjust’ When they see beautiful healthy women they say ‘ I could never look like them. Why can’t I do this? What’s wrong with me? Why did nature make them beautiful and healthy and not me? They feel excluded from beauty and health and they exclude themselves from the situations, opportunities and people that would empower them to be healthy. Some can’t wear anything except baggy black clothes.

In order for you to manifest HEALTH and BEAUTY you MUST DO THE OPPOSITE! You must wear clothes you love, go into the shops you think are too good for you, step into the green isles of the supermarket. You need to walk around those places saying ‘ My body is going to have this type of organic food, My body is going to be clothed in this beautiful clothing, and exercised in ways that are enjoyable to me. ‘ Tell your body about the fun you are going to have working it out and dressing it up on your journey back to health and loving your body!

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