Imagine if you were one of the world’s first Certified Medical Intuitives?

When I am manifesting my soul-aligned students for my miracles over medicine mastermind, I asked creator who were my chosen people and what the pre-requisites should be. Creator said to set the intention and send out the call to those who had the desire to:

I want you to take a moment to imagine waking up, making yourself a green juice (if you are like me) or tea/coffee ;). I want you to picture opening your phone and seeing these amazing PM’s full of gratitude for the amazing medical intuitive work that you do.

I want you to imagine being able to set your own hours. I want you to imagine opening your banking app and making more money in one day than you have previously made in a month.

I want you to feel the feeling of freedom and gratitude as you can take care of yourself, your family and loved ones. Just feel that joy and excitement fluttering over your heart and imagine what you would do with that much energy and that kind of miraculous life first thing in the morning.

How does it get better than this?
Imagine if you were one of the world’s first Certified Medical Intuitives?

If you knew you could change your body when you needed to and had the tools to heal your mind?

What would it be like to learn this skill from one of the world’s best medical intuitive?

What possibilities would open up for you if you allowed yourself to be that powerful, to have what you want?

How would you be different if you just said YES?

Imagine yourself finally feeling worthy of the health you deserve. And THEN imagine making a great income from this light serving your community and doing what you LOVE.
Imagine your clinic or centre with person after person looking up at you and smiling richly, completely satisfied with their experience and on an all-natural high from your healing and love.

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